Some Verizon customers find they need a cell phone signal booster inside their home, office or vehicle. A phone booster will bring existing Verizon outside signal inside the building or vehicle, boost it, and make that boosted signal available. This eliminates dropped calls, speeds up downloads and provides up to two hours additional talk time on a single battery charge. Another benefit that solutions available directly from Verizon can’t match – a weBoost cell phone booster will also enhance coverage for customers of other cell service providers.
What is a Verizon cell phone booster and how does it work?
A Verizon cell phone booster will increase data speeds, improve voice quality, and help to eliminate dropped calls. This technology will boost cellular connectivity in your car, home, office, or any location where you’re experiencing weak cell phone signal. A booster is comprised of three components:
1) The outside antenna, typically mounted on the roof of your home or vehicle, pulls signal from nearby cell towers inside to the booster.
2) The booster receives and amplifies the signal, and then sends the boosted signal to an inside antenna.
3) The inside antenna broadcasts the amplified signal for use by your smartphone and other cellular-enabled devices.
Why do I need a Verizon signal booster?
Weak cell signal can be problematic and frustrating when you’re trying to make a phone call, access your mobile apps, or simply connect to the internet. A Verizon signal booster improves cellular connectivity in locations where signal is otherwise poor or obstructed. Even if you’re in an area far away from a cell tower, a booster provides reliable signal to help you stay connected.
What is the best Verizon cell phone booster for cars?
To improve cell signal in your car, truck, SUV, or RV, weBoost offers several in-vehicle products that will keep you connected while on the road. Drive Reach is our most powerful Verizon signal booster for cars; capable of reaching the farthest cell towers in remote areas and delivering the strongest cell coverage possible. Drive Sleek is a single-user signal booster designed for any phone, between 5.1” and 7.5” in length, that fits within its adjustable cradle. Drive X RV is the best Verizon signal booster for RV use when parked or driving; designed to boost signal for multiple users and cellular devices.
What is the best Verizon signal booster for home use?
Depending on the size of your coverage area, weBoost offers three Verizon signal boosters to fit your needs. weBoost Installed | Home Complete amplifies signal throughout an entire house and includes professional installation in any home, in any U.S. zip code. Home MultiRoom boosts signal in up to three rooms, and Home Room provides coverage for up to one room.
What is the best Verizon signal booster for rural areas?
People who live or work in remote and rural locations often experience weak or nonexistent cell signal. weBoost offers Verizon signal booster solutions for poor cell phone reception in these areas. For situations like this, the weBoost Installed | Home Complete is the best option for improving cellular connectivity in your home, and Drive Reach is the best option for driving in rural areas.
How much does a Verizon signal booster cost?
Prices for Verizon signal boosters will vary, depending on the model and type of booster. For example, the cost of an in-home cell signal booster will depend on the size of your coverage area. The price for an in-vehicle booster for your car, truck, or SUV will also vary based on whether it’s intended for a single user or multiple users. In this weBoost article, you can get an in-depth look at each product, its features, and the best cell signal booster price.
Will a Verizon cell signal booster work with different carriers and mobile devices?
Yes. weBoost Verizon cell signal boosters work with all U.S carrier networks and boost signal for all mobile phones and cellular-connected devices.
How long is the Verizon signal booster setup process?
The Verizon signal booster setup process varies based on the product type. For example, the Drive Sleek DIY installation takes only minutes without tools, while the weBoost Installed | Home Complete includes in-home professional installation. Visit the weBoost products page and select a specific product to learn more about the installation process.